Security Guard Online Training

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Ontario Security Guard Online Training

Affordable Security Guard training at home

Marshal Security is Ontario’s best security guard online training centre, and approved training provider. We prepare our students to write and PASS the Ontario Security Guard Test as required by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, in order to acquire the mandatory Security Guard License. A great number of students have already experienced the convenience and flexibility the on-line security guard training program has to offer.

Marshal Security is best choice for individuals looking for affordable training in the security field. With the ease of online study, our 40 Hour Mandatory Security Guard Course prepares you for a high demand, money making career in the security and loss prevention fields. Created by industry experts, this comprehensive course can teach you the skills required to take the necessary steps toward a rewarding and much demanded career.

With Marshal’s security guard online training, you can study at home in your spare time without affecting your current job or family life. There is NO classroom time! Whether you need to obtain your Ontario Security Guard License, or simply want to enhance your current employment, Marshal Security offers flexible and cost effective solutions to put you on track toward career success. In order to register for training, please Click the following button:

Click to Register

Online Training Program

Marshal Security’s online training program uses a Learning Management System (LMS) to provide training to a student. Under this system, the course is divided in sections and lessons/units. Each sestion is usually composed of three elements:

  1. Video Lectures
  2. Section Reviews using PowerPoint slides
  3. Section Notes and Quiz

The student is required to follow all section and lessons in sequence. Once a lesson is completed, he/she will have to mark it as completed. At any time, the student will be able to see his/her progress in the course in a progress bar. Additionally, he/she will also be able to communicate with an instructor; and will be able to send him the assignments. Course Instructions

The training program works as below:

  1. Upon registration, the student is given a user ID on Marshal Security’s website. This allows a student to get access to all the study materials on the website right from the day one.
  2. The student will start his/her study from the first sestion. After watching the video lectures in lesson, he/she will have to review it by reading the section review. After finishing the review, he/she will have to complete the quiz.
  3. After finishing the first session, the student will move to the 2nd session and so on. If there is an assignment, the student will complete it and will send it to the instructor for review.
  4. After the completion of 12 sessions, the student is required to take Final Test.
  5. Then, after the completion of online training, and in order to prepare for license exam, the student is recommended to complete the additional practice tests / mock tests that are also available online.
  6. The practice tests / mock tests not only makes learning easier for a student but they also help them to understand the responsibilities imposed on them by law while working as a security guard. Two important features of practice tests / mock tests are that
    1. a student can take the test either in practice test mode or a mock test mode. In practice test mode, a student will be able to see the correct and incorrect answers just after answering any question; while in a mock test mode, the correct and incorrect answers will be graded and shown only after the completion of the test.
    2. every time a student attempts a test, the question order of a test will change randomly.  This way, the student gets more learning as he/she will not be able to memorize the question order and the answers.
  7. At any stage, if student feels to revise a part of a course, he/she can directly jump to that part in Learning Management System (LMS). 
  8. Somewhere during the course, the student will have to complete a requirement of Emergency First Aid & CPR training. This can be taken in-class or blended (online + hands-on-practice), and is offered usually every week. If you signed up for a course without First Aid & CPR training, you must submit a copy of your valid Emergency First Aid & CPR certificate to Marshal Security.  Please make sure that the First Aid & CPR provider is approved by WSIB.
  9. After the completion of the training, the student will receive a training completion number via email. The student will use this number to book and write a Ministry Official Test.
  10. After passing Ministry Test, the student is eligible to apply for a Security Guard Licence.

In order to register for the training, please Click any of the following buttons:

Security Guard Online Training with First Aid & CPR Level C

Security Guard Online Training Only

Training Materials

Marshal Security’s website include more training material than any other security training provider in Ontario. The unique way of study gives our students the learning and confidence that is usually not available at other places. And that is the reason that our pass rate is some of the highest in this business. Here is a list of the study materials that comes together with your registration to the course:

  1. Ontario Security Guard Training Manual (212 pages) [Download Sample]
  2. On-line video lectures
  3. PSISA Laws and Other Regulations (72 pages) [Download Sample]
  4. Multiple Choice Questions Manual (156 questions) [Download Sample]
  5. Class Notes with PowerPoint slides (pdf viewer) [Download Sample]
  6. On-line Practice Tests / Mock Tests (510 MCQs, over 95% unique questions)
  7. On-line Concept Test (98 questions)
  8. Additional two FREE Practice Tests (120 questions – open to everyone)
  9. Student support services, including access to instructors by email or phone for the duration of the course

Note: At the end of the course (usually one week after the registration), the student will be provided a Training Completion Number through which they can register at Serco DES Inc. website for a Security Guard License exam. Once a student pass the exam, he/she may apply for a Security Guard license at the Ministry’s website. At the end of the course, the student will also be provided a Training Completion Certificate.

You can complete your program in as little as 5 days or take as long as 6 months if you prefer.

Get started today toward a new and exciting money-making career in Security.

Training Fee


Security Guard Online Training with First Aid & CPR  –  $141.99 + tax
=== Individual Components ===
Security Guard Online Training  –  $79.99 + tax
Emergency First Aid and CPR/AED Level C (Red Cross)  –  $79.99 + tax
Standard First Aid and CPR/AED Level C (Red Cross)  –  $110.99 + tax


  1. The fee for the Security Guard Online Training Course with Emergency First Aid and CPR/AED Level C is $189.99 + HST (limited time offer $141.99 + HST). The First Aid and CPR training is available both blended (online + hands-on-practice) and in-class.
  2. The fee for the Security Guard Online Training Course is $139.99 + HST (limited time offer $79.99 + HST). This fee DOES NOT include First Aid and CPR training.
  3. The fees for the Emergency First Aid and CPR/AED Level C training is $84.99 + HST (limited time offer $79.99 + HST) and it is available only in-class.


  1. Marshal Security conducts the Emergency First Aid & CPR classes at their office located in Mississauga. Usually the classes are held on weekends (Saturdays/Sundays) but sometime these are also offered on weekdays. The schedule may change depending on the requirement. The fees must be paid prior to the course date. In order to register for a First Aid & CPR session, just send us an email or a text message.
  2. The First Aid & CPR training is mandatory. In order to complete a Security Guard Training, the student must either complete this training at Marshal Security’s office, or provide a valid certificate from a WSIB approved training provider.

Official Test Fee

  • After receiving a training completion number, the candidate will book an official test at Serco DES Inc. website. The Ministry official test fee is $35.00 + HST

Security Guard License Fee

  • After passing a Ministry official test, the candidate will apply for a Security Guard License at the Ministry’s website. The fee for a Security Guard License is $80.00.

To register for Security Guard course, please Click any of the following buttons:

Security Guard Online Training with First Aid & CPR Level C

Security Guard Online Training Only

Training Content

Marshal Security’s on-line course offers complete, easy to understand training in following areas:

  • Section 1: Introduction to the Security Industry
  • Section 2: Private Security and Investigative Services Act and Code of Conduct
  • Section 3: Basic Security Procedures
  • Section 4: Report Writing
  • Section 5: Health and Safety
  • Section 6: Emergency Response Preparation
  • Section 7: Canadian Legal System
  • Section 8: Legal Authorities
  • Section 9: Effective Communications
  • Section 10: Sensitivity Training
  • Section 11: Use of Force Theory

Frequently Asked Questions

What is On-line Training?

Online training is a learning method which allows our students to study their course material at their own pace without the need to attend a classroom. The video lectures for all the sections of the course are available online and a student can view these lectures on their own pace at any any time during 90 days duration.

What are the benefits of on-line training?

Marshal Security offers the mandatory 40 Hour Security Guard program in an easy to read and easy to follow format. Student support is offered online and there is no need to travel or take time off work to complete this program.

Is online training as effective as traditional in-class training?

Yes, in fact it has been proven to be more effective in some cases. Although you are not physically in a brick-and-mortar classroom, you train in an “online” classroom. The advantage is that you complete it at your own pace, when you have time. You watch video lectures and take practice tests while still working full-time/part-time. You can watch video lectures and retake practice tests as many time as you like. Moreover, you avoid traffic congestion, commute delays and following strict class timings.

Is online training an acceptable way to take the required training?

Yes. Our study material and video lectures conforms with legal and industry requirements. For the Security Guard Basic Training it must be Instructor-lead Web-based training.

What type of students can en-roll in Marshal Security’s Security Guard on-line training?

Anyone wishing to start a career in the field of security or anyone wishing to pursue a career in policing or corrections can en-roll in our course as the initial steps to their career plans.

What are the minimum requirements to hold a security guard licence?
  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Be eligible to work in Canada; and
  • Have no convictions for a prescribed offence for which you have not been granted a pardon.
Does Marshal Security administer the test?

The Ministry has engaged the services of Serco DES Inc. to administer testing. For further information about test delivery and how to register please visit Serco’s website at

How will students be tested?

The required test will be a 60-question, 75-minute, paper-based, multiple-choice test. Individuals will have to register for the test and pay a $75 (including tax). There is no limit (individuals must pay $75 each time) to the number of times a person can rewrite the test.

How difficult is the ministry test?

The ministry test is designed to test your knowledge of the ministry mandated curriculum. For some of you, this will mean that you will need to brush up your knowledge in some areas that you have never trained in before.

For new applicants, it will mean that you will need effective training that meets the ministry regulation requirements. A majority of applicants pass on the first attempt. The Marshal Security is an approved and licensed Security agency under the Ministry of Community Safety and Corrections in Ontario. Our Security Guard training course meets the ministry requirements that you need in order to pass the exam and get a security guard license. We provide full help to our online students and work closely with them to ensure that they pass the Ministry exam.

If for some reason, student is unlucky in passing the exam in first attempt, we offer them to take our in-class course at no cost.

How long do I have to complete the Security Program?

The Security Program is designed to take 40 hours to complete, however we allow students a period of 120 Days to complete their studies and prepare for their Security Guard Licence.

What are the steps to become a Security Guard in Ontario?

1. Enroll in Training Course

Enroll in Ontario Security Guard Training Course with an approved training provider
The training provider must be approved by Private Security & Investigative Services

2. Register for Licence Exam

Once you have successfully completed the Security Guard training course (minimum 5 business days), you will be provided your Training Completion Number. With your Training Completion Number you can book for Ontario Security Guard Licence Exam at You will have to pay $60+tax as a testing fee

3. Write the Licence Exam

The Ministry has engaged the services of Serco DES Inc. to administer testing. The Licence test will be paper-based, with 60 Multiple Choice Questions and 75 minutes duration. You have to answer correctly for at least 38 out of 60 questions (62%) in order to pass the Exam. After you have completed the exam, it usually takes 3 to 5 business days to receive your exam results. There is no limit to the number of times a person can rewrite the test. However, you have to pay $60+tax each time.

4. Apply for Licence

Once you pass the licensing exam, you can apply for your licence by mail or online
You can apply online through ServiceOntario at

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