Industrial and Construction Site Security
Protecting property and materials at a construction sites and industrial areas is incredibly important. Since many locations do not utilize industrial security methods at all, tools, building supplies, inventory, vehicles and other materials are frequent targets of thieves.
Industrial security requires a wide variety of security tools including guard services, surveillance cameras and more. Properly utilizing industrial security tactics will allow you to keep your property and your possessions safe. It is also important that you understand the threat of vandalism and that you protect your construction site and other industrial location.
Construction Site Security
Construction sites contain a number of valuables that are often targeted by thieves. A number of different industrial security techniques can be used to ensure that your construction site remains safe and protected.
Construction site security guards are one important tool that will improve security standards at your construction site. These guards control access to the site which prohibits strangers from entering. These guards can also be used to patrol properties. These regular inspections allow the guards to monitor the changing situations and to look for any issues that may compromise the safety and security of the area.
Security Cameras can also be utilized as industrial security tools as well. They can monitor a large area at all times and catch criminals in the acts if there is a theft or vandalism issue.
Industrial security is important during both working hours and after working hours. Criminals often wait for the cover of darkness before they strike. Having a security guard on site, making regular patrols and monitoring security cameras will greatly improve security and keep your property safe.
Marshal Security services include:
- Regular foot and mobile perimeter patrols
- CCTV Monitoring and Surveillance
- Thorough reporting of suspicious incidents
- Control and monitor movement of vehicles and visitors
- Carry out vehicle and personnel searches
- Maintain log books and registers
- Emergency response