Warehouse Security

Distribution Centre Slider

Distribution Centre and Warehouse Security

Distribution Centre and Warehouse security requires an integrated solution of manned guarding, system security and procedural consistency. Security personnel assigned at those sites are expected to perform with their utmost skills and aptitude necessary to observe and report the conditions that pose threats of damage or theft. Gatehouses are the very first access point into many industrial, residential and business areas. That is why it is vital to keep such area manned with only the best security possible. We at Marshal Security provide an impenetrable level of protection when it comes to guarding your first port of call. Our professional gatehouse security guards will not only protect you against intruders, but they’ll also provide the visual assurance you need for peace of mind. Our management team conducts on-site security risk assessment, at the beginning of each contract to ensure that all potential weak areas are covered and addressed accordingly in the post orders.

Marshal Security services include:

  • Regular foot and mobile perimeter patrols
  • CCTV Monitoring and Surveillance
  • Thorough reporting of suspicious incidents
  • Control and monitor movement of vehicles and visitors
  • Carry out vehicle and personnel searches
  • Maintain log books and registers
  • Emergency response


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